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Description: NCO Induction Ceremony An unofficial guide for NCOs to induct newly promoted individuals into the corps on 30 September 1998

Army Promotion Ceremony Script

Army Promotion Ceremony Script

Amendment 2 31 August 2003 NCO Induction Ceremony Unofficial Guide for NCOs Inducting Newly Promoted to the Corps 30 Sep 1998 Prepared by: The NCO and CSM Dan Elder Web Site http://www. Preface The idea of ​​reign of innovation. Promoted NCOs have a long tradition in the Corps, but it is not a recognized or accepted practice. There are no official requirements for maintenance operations, except for the reference to starting operations in Training Circular 22-6 (Nov 90), page 12. With the publication of FM 7-22.7 in December 2002, This court is done in its entirety. approved For many years, senior NCOs have kept the tradition of the induction ceremony, but there is no official document that shows what it is and how it should be kept. Ideas were shared and passed from one senior sergeant to another. This document has been prepared in response to many requests to the webmaster of the NCO website, namely for guidelines for the management of these sacred activities. This document does not reflect the training and leadership of the military, and should be applied to each unit, developed and shared among us. It was developed to help fill a gap and capture and compare a tradition. My only hope is that it will be of value to my fellow NCOs. The importance of going from an enlisted soldier to a commissioned officer is a major one in the military and should not be taken lightly. It is the responsibility of the veteran NCOs to continue this tradition for many years to come. Sincerely, CSM Dan Elder ______________________________________________________________________________________________ in The Independent History from the Officer's Hall 1 Dec 88 FORSCOM Command Sergeant Major CSM Horvata then addressed the 32nd class of the SMC, explaining the organization of the entering the FORSCOM office. It is based on his observation of a German Army NCO induction ceremony. He advised others to do a similar project. April 27, 89 The Sergeants Major Academy held its first NCO Induction. SGT Lotts, daughter of SMC student age 33. Apr 89 TRADOC USASMA activities with the development of an operational level ribbon "NCO Induction Ceremony" with the theme 1989, "The Year of the NCOAApr 89 USASMA Student Operations a with PAO to develop a document 15 September 89 and film, approved by the commander. . .” The lighting of three candles is included to emphasize the three parts of the NCO's mind. 18 Sep 89 Briefing DCSOP and SMA at the Pentagon at the meeting. SMA is not familiar with the film or the action. .Reported to TRADOC CSM Goodwin 1 Oct 89 .Proposed to shorten film and include unit officers.CoS requested re-video recording 23 Feb 90 Re-production of video Awaiting final approval END __________________________________________________________________________________________ ii Army NCO Induction Ceremony: An Unofficial Guide by SGM Daniel O Elder Ce Purpose of the Induction Ceremony The Induction Ceremony is a celebration of the induction of newly promoted individuals into the ranks of a professional NCO group, and inspire and build pride as a proud member of this elite body. The event should honor the memory of those men and women of the NCO Corps who served with pride and honor. Introductions should not be used as an opportunity for hazing, but more as a way to go. It allows fellow NCOs in a unit to build and develop a strong bond, support team development, and become a legacy for future NCO Induction events. The importance of knowing how to change from "just one of the boys or girls" to the NCO must be shared among the seniors of the newly promoted. This action allows the director, the final approval authority for the promotion of soldiers under his responsibility, to fulfill his role in the process. The installation assembly should be kept separate and serve as an extension of the installation process. The effective dates of military deployment are usually the first day of the month, and when possible, so is the induction process. Although it can be conducted at high or low levels, this paper will focus on principles for conducting an Army NCO induction meeting. If you change the titles of the NCO key leaders to meet your needs, you can adapt this document to your own organization. Location Although the location of the ceremony is not as important as it seems, there are some things to consider. As part of the training process for newly promoted NCOs, the induction ceremony should be held in a community group, such as the NCO, community, or group for all levels. Alternatively, a well-equipped gym, a backyard cinema or for smaller events, a sunroom can be used. It is not allowed to use the church for subjects of "ritualistic" or "mystical" connotations that can be seen, where they are directly opposed to the intended result (see the reason for the induction process) training process of new officers. the Induction Ceremony should be scheduled as a training event on the training calendar. The normal part must be done on the day of service, before returning. By making it an interesting event during working hours, you will not only get a lot of participation, but also support (the managers accept the training courses). The best time is from 16.30 to 17.00 for the general part (the company) and from 17.00 to 17.30 for the informal part (greetings, praise and friendship). the NCO Induction Ceremony. The first sergeants of the group are assistants of the CSM and form the "Commercial Force". If desired, a guest speaker can be included for the ceremony, which is also part of the official party. The storyteller becomes the master of the works. Guests and VIPs As a fully NCO-sponsored event, guests and VIPs must be limited to current and former United States Army NCOs. Some situations may require the assistance of an officer or civilian and it does not affect the nature of the event. Common guests may include command sergeants at the senior level (brigade, division, regiment, commander), organization or base support battalion (BSB) command sergeants majors, or lateral command sergeants majors (battalion level). should be included (although not required) as part of an input event. Necessity Although each group is as different as the people it knows, it must be shared among them. Each must have the following: 1. An essay from a reference for bravery or courage in the face of danger demonstrated by an NCO. With the availability of the World Wide Web and the Internet, quotes can be downloaded and printed from websites such as,, or Different books. 2. Copies of the non-executive director's opinion. 1-for integration. Available through many sources, including the Association of the United States Army (AUSA). __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Army NCO Induction Ceremony: An Unofficial Guide by SGM Daniel Elder 3. US Army Field Manual 7-22.7, The Army Subcommissioned Officer Guide, dated December 2002. 1 - by inductee This book is dedicated to incoming NCOs. take the torch given to them. Available from standard delivery methods. 4. Sound system (optional). It should be based on the current number and "command voice" of the participants. 5. Programs (with the words of the NCO Creed) This document and work is intended to be a "living" process, that is, it is built to grow and mature with different users. The idea is to provide a basic starting point and then tailor it to your specific needs. Although "THE" is not the correct activity, it is an "A" event, which is intended to represent a professional NCO induction event. It is available as a free copy on the World Wide Web, free of charge for the benefit of the Corps. Feel free to download, edit and use as you wish. Share your thoughts with others and the author will encourage suggestions to improve the product. LOCATIONS: Formal party: waiting outside the banquet room. Storytelling: On the sound system/podium. Built: pre-trained in a suitable location. Everyone should have a copy (or part) of the NCO's creed. (2 minutes before the performance begins) NOTES: Ladies and gentlemen, the court will begin in two minutes. (At a pre-arranged time) INSTRUCTIONS: Please arrive at the official party. (From official group, go to designated area. Stand and take appropriate positions) EVENTS: Welcome to (this month) (name of month) NCO Induction Ceremony where we will see the passing of the group before you (the participants) at the level of the era ... honorable NCO Corps of the United States Army. Today's official holiday is (name) the tradition of commemorating the passing of a soldier.

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